What is a mommy makeover?
Pregnancy can bring forth many changes if the body of a woman. The size and shape of the breast can be altered. Also stretch marks, excess skin and excess fat can appear on the body. Women look for a solution to restore their figure back to their pre-pregnancy days. This is where the mommy makeover comes in.
The mommy makeover works on the parts of the body that are more affected by pregnancy. The usual mommy makeover combination is breast surgery together with liposuction or lipoabdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
Am I a candidate for this procedure?
You are a great candidate for a mommy makeover if you have one or more of the following conditions:
- Excess abdominal skin
- Excess fat
- A protruding abdomen
- Abdominal muscle wall weakness
- Abdominal stretch marks
- Saggy breasts
- Small breasts
- Big breasts
- Asymmetrical breasts
What do I need to know about this procedure?
A mommy makeover usually combines breast and body surgery. In the breast, the patient can need a breast augmentation, a breast reduction or a breast lift. In the body a patient can need a liposuction, a tummy tuck or a combination of these two (I refer you to the section on each of these procedures).
This is all done under general anesthesia and the length of the surgery depends on what the patient needs. Patients can get this procedure 6-9 months after childbirth or 3 months after they have stopped breast-feeding.
Are there risks involved?
Every patient that goes into an operating room for surgery needs to be aware that risks do exist. However, complications in this specific procedure are extremely rare. Dr. Mejia will go over all the possible risks of this procedure with you during the initial consultation. It is very important that you are honest with Dr. Mejia about your medical history and habits for things to go as smooth as possible.
What is the aftercare like?
I refer you to the section on liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast lift and breast reduction.
How much downtime is there?
Patients can usually go back to their regular activities 10 days after surgery.