The buttocks is one of the most sensual parts of the female figure. This is why gluteal augmentation has become one of the most sought after procedures in the last few years. There are two ways to augment the size of the gluts. We can do it with fat transfer (check out the section on BBL), or we can do it with silicone implants.
In general, if a patient has no fat to transfer, butt implants are the best choice. Even if the patient does have enough fat to transfer, some patients prefer butt implants because they know that fat in the buttock can reabsorb and disappear. Butt implants is usually the most permanent solution. The combination of Liposuction (to give shape to the body, butt implants (for permanent volume) and fat transfer (for the finishing touches to the butt), is usually the ideal combination and will bring forth the best results.
Butt implants have a bad reputation because people think they look fake. There are three very important points to avoid a fake look. The experience of the surgeon, putting the implant in a deep plane (intramuscular) and using conservative size implants (not too big). These are all equally important but I would say surgeon experience tops the list. Dr. Mejia is one of the most experienced butt surgeons in Colombia and has given talks and live surgeries here and worldwide.
You are a great candidate for butt implants if you have one or more of the following conditions.
Butt implants is a 2-hour procedure under general anesthesia. We make two small 5 cm incisions beside the gluteal crease and insert the implants in the intramuscular plane (deep enough so the muscle camouflages the implant). A small drain is left before skin closure, which is taken out 2 days post-op.
The silicone implants for gluteal surgery are gummy bear like. Which means they are soft cohesive silicone. This is what gives the buttocks a natural feel after surgery. They differ from breast implants in the fact that the silicone and the covering is thicker, which makes them more resistant. These implants come in two shapes, round or oval. Dr. Mejia prefers the round implants, but sometimes, depending on the case, oval implants may be used.
Do butt implants need to be changed? It´s a very popular question and it’s the same answer as for breast implants. Today’s implants are made with state of the art technology, and sometimes they last a lifetime. However, they are medical devices, which also means that they can fail at any time. So do they last 5 years, 10 years or 30 years? It´s impossible to say. It is recommended that you continue with follow-ups with your doctor just to make sure things are fine. An ultrasound is recommended 10 years post-op and very year after that to monitor the condition of the implants.
Every patient that goes into an operating room for surgery needs to be aware that risks do exist. However, complications in this specific procedure are extremely rare. Dr. Mejia will go over all the possible risks of this procedure with you during the initial consultation. It is very important that you are honest with Dr. Mejia about your medical history and habits for things to go as smooth as possible.
The best position to lower the pain and swelling is the semi-sitting position with a pillow above the buttocks and a pillow below the buttocks. This way, there will be less pressure over the butt. You can also sleep face down or sideways. Its good to change positions now and then so you don’t get tired of the same position.
The day after surgery, the patient is able to sit, walk, shower and go to the bathroom. Avoid sitting as much as possible for the first month. However, You CAN sit if you have to. When sitting, try to sit over hard surfaces leaning a little forward with your back straight. This way, the pressure is placed more on your thighs than on your butt.
Keep your anal region very clean. Every time you go to the bathroom for a number 2, jump right into the shower and wash that area with water and soap.
A soft diet is recommended the first 48 hrs after surgery to avoid nausea.
Walking is recommended the day after surgery.
You will leave the OR with a drain in each buttock. These come out the second or third day post-op. If you have a pain pump (highly recommended), it comes out 5 days after surgery. There will be no stiches that need to come out.
Buy some biker shorts for daily use after the surgery. These should be worn for the first month.
The patient can drive a car 10-15 days after surgery depending on how you´re feeling.
Exercise can begin 1 month after surgery. However, any exercise that is specific for the buttocks should wait until 3 months post-op (squats, biking, weights, horse back, climbing).
No sun exposure until all bruising disappears (about 4 weeks). The butt can feel hard, ride high and/or be painful for the first 3-6 months. Final results can be seen after this time.
Please notify Dr. Mejia if you feel any of the following: fever, redness of the skin, severe pain, one side MUCH bigger than the other, general malaise, shortness of breath, drainage from the wounds.
Patients can usually go back to their regular activities 10 days after surgery.